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When the LEVO I first came out, the reception it got was very positive. The reasons are not far-fetched. Anyone who vape knows how important it is to be able to make your own oils, custom made at the comfort of your home. The LEVO offers a streamlined oil infusion process that is suitable for a wide range of healthy food, including a variety of herbs, fruits, and more. And yes, it has been a massive success. Why because you can use it to make just about any oil you want, such as coconut, palm, and canola. Not to talk of how easy the process is and how hygienic the results are!


Introducing LEVO II

The LEVO II oil diffuser comes in a small, compact package like its predecessor but packed with exciting new features.

Manufacturing Quality

Simply put, the LEVO II was brilliantly designed and perfectly executed. Spotting a brand new ceramic-coated reservoir which is absent from its predecessor, and re-engineered silicone stirrer, the materials used are of premium quality and should last longer. Aesthetically, the LEVO II is absolutely appealing to look at and something you wouldn’t mind having on your kitchen table for all to see!


If you’ve made your own oil infusions before, the knowledge will serve you well when using the LEVO II. However, it is by no means a difficult appliance to use. In fact, it is quite straightforward.

Basically, to prepare your cannabis, you put your oil in the pot, while you put the herb in the pod. You then put the pod in the pot and close the lid. Choose your desired settings and allow the device to do its magic. The re-engineered silicone stirrer keeps the heated oil uniformly distributed through the herb pod. Everything is automated. When the set time is reached the device stops and everything is dispensed out at the push of a button. Thanks to the ceramic-coated, slanted reservoir, butter and oils can be easily wicked out.


LEVO I vs LEVO II: What’s new?

You might be tempted to think that there’s not much difference between the LEVO II and its predecessor, the LEVO I.

Besides the obvious difference in both of their appearances, the brand new LEVO II comes with an abundance of new features and innovative new technology, all geared towards making the LEVO infusion process seamless.

Some the LEVO  notable new features include:

The Dry And Activate Herb Feature

There are 3 temperature settings from which users can select. The Dry and Activate herb feature allows users to prepare their herbs and unlock the full ingredients before the infusion process. This features greatly improves the quality of oils you can produce.

Wi-Fi Connectivity with the LEVO App.

Control and comfortability don’t get better than this. The LEVO II allows the user to stay on top of the infusions. With the LEVO app and Wi-Fi technology, you can set your infusion cycles and monitor progress right from your smartphone. There are other cool things you can do with the app such as access your history, utilize the helpful Time and Temperature calculations and find new recipes from other users of the device like you!

Furthermore, you get a ceramic-coated reservoir which can be able to infuse up to 19 oz at a time. With the Power Pod included for even greater capacity for your oils. The slanted design of the reservoir might strike you as a minute detail at first, but the fact that it allows you squeeze out every single drop of your infused oils will make you appreciate the engineering that birth this machine. And we like that such a design detail is also geared towards a maintenance-friendly device.


Final Verdict

While the LEVO I can do a good job for you, The LEVO II takes the infusion process to a whole new level. Hence, there is no doubt the LEVO II represent an upgrade on the predecessor. And you can’t go wrong with the LEVO. We know that by now!

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