We’re often asked, “can I put hemp vape oil under my tongue?” We’re here to say you probably don’t want to.
Perhaps you ordered the wrong product or no longer wish to use a vaporizer. It may be tempting to put the product to use in another way. We suggest against using vape oil sublingually, mostly at the thought of how it’s going to taste, but also because it’s simply not how the product was designed. So, if you are considering how best to use your vape oil, here are some things to consider.
Use a Hemp Oil Tincture or Concentrate
You should use a tincture, concentrate, or edible for sublingual use as they are designed for this method of consumption. Because vape oil is not designed for sublingual use, it does not contain the health benefits of products that are designated to be used sublingually. Unlike vape oils, tinctures, concentrates, and edibles do not contain VG or PG. Instead, they contain all-natural ingredients and often have additional phytonutrients to be absorbed sublingually.
Buy a Hemp Vaporizer Pen
If your vaporizer pen broke or you forgot to order one with your vape oil, you can easily pick one up at a local vape shop or in our store. If you are new to vaping, we suggest a vape kit because it contains everything needed to get started. Vaping is a great way to get hemp oil into your system because it quickly absorbs into the body. It is also a better alternative to smoking! In fact, many people turn to vaping to kick smoking habits.
Additionally, the act of vaping in itself is often relaxing, which is often something people look to achieve with hemp oil.
Return Your Hemp Vape Oil
Ordered the wrong product? If it’s something from our online store, call or email us and we’ll work with you to get you the right product. We understand that the expansive world of hemp products can be intimidating, especially to newcomers. If you’re second guessing your purchase, we want to help you find the right hemp supplement! Don’t hesitate to chat with us.
Suggested Vape Pens
If you’re looking to try vaping hemp without the commitment of buying an expensive mod, we recommend:
- Alternate Vape Kit – The Alternate Vape Kit is an inexpensive kit that comes with a pre-filled cartridge, reusable battery, charger, and easy to carry box. The battery is a one-time purchase; the cartridges are the only part of the kit that needs to be repurchased.
- Charlotte’s Web Hemp Vape – The Charlotte’s Web Vape Pen is a pre-filled vaporizer pen that is thrown away after use. It doesn’t get any easier than that! Even better, the Charlotte’s Web brand is trusted and well-known.
This article originally appeared on MadeByHemp.com