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The Pax Era, yet again, is another flagship concentrate vaporizer from the stable of Pax Labs. Incorporating all the signature attributes the guys at Pax Labs are renowned for – stylistic design, high performance, and great value.

Pax Era vape pen is an extremely discreet vaporizer, measuring only 3 inches long and it comes pre-filled with its own e-liquid concentrate. The absolute deal breaker for the Pax Era is its innovative Bluetooth technology which allows you to adjust the temperature and other features of the device from the app.

Without wasting much time, let’s get to the details of all that’s important for a vaporizer and see how the Pax Era fares… 


  1. 240 mAh Lithium-ion rechargeable battery
  2. Algorithm controlled heating
  3. 1 Year Warranty
  4. Pods sold separately
  5. Micro USB charging
  6. Compatible with PAX Vapor App
  • Impressive temperature flexibility

The Pax Era scores very high in this regard. The selection process is very dynamic and you get 4 temperature options to choose from. With just a little shake of the device, you activate the battery check mode and what’s left of the battery is displayed. You simply remove the cartridge and put it back in when it is displaying the temperature level you want.

While the above process takes less than 10 seconds, why go through all those troubles if you can utilize the powers and functionality of Bluetooth and the app installed on your phone? Simply select the temperature you want, the exact degree you desire.  Both features are great to have nevertheless.

  • Vapor Quality

In terms of vapor quality, the Pax Era delivers what you would expect from the guys at Pax Lab, It’s very impressive.

The device uses pre-made cartridges specifically designed for it. There are actually several varieties to choose from so you’re getting a good number of different flavors.

The vapor is rich and intense thanks to the two-wick system. Impressively, there is no waiting time for the pen to warm up. The Pax Era produces smooth, cool vapors instantly.

  • Build quality

The manufacturing quality of the Pax Era is simply magnificent. Excellent. With a very good balance between performance and size. It is very pretty to look at and is made with the quality anodized aluminum shell. It is small and light weighted, perfect fit for your pockets.

  • Battery Life

For a liquid vaporizer of this size, one would expect considerably more than what the Pax Era is offering. At 240mAh, it will understandably raise a few eyebrows. But then, higher battery capacity combined with other poor manufacturing decisions is fruitless. Hence, for everything the Pax lacks in terms of the battery numbers, it makes up for it by utilizing every ounce of that capacity efficiently. If you can still get more than 100 draws and go through a full day without charging, that sounds better than first imagined in my opinion.

  • Portability and discreteness

The Pax is very tiny no doubt and can fit into anything, even making a fist can conceal it. I’m not sure you can get better than this. It actually makes every other vaporizer look bigger and bulky.

You can also turn off the LED lights to keep you in total stealth mode. Also, it helps that you can go from your pocket to a full draw in a matter of seconds, even if you’re just turning it on for the first time!


  • 1 x PAX Era 240 mAh battery
  • 1 x Micro USB Charger
  • 1 x Instructional Booklet

 How of Use

The Pax Era is small, beautiful and so simple to use, almost effortless. The most important thing you’ll need to know is that the cartridges are purchased separately and have to use any variety of your choice. Once you have inserted one in place, you’re free to enjoy. The display and the battery are located at the base area. Once you’ve taken a draw, simply slide it back into your pocket. And forget about it. The temperature controls are easy as ABC, the apps let you set your choice down to the exact degree, all from the comfort of your Android phone.

Overall, the Pax Era is great value for money and takes a position at the top in its category.

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